Every five years, a major update of the Transit Development Plan (TDP) is required from Charlotte County government to maintain continued eligibility for Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 funds and State Transit Block Grant funds. Charlotte County Transit, which began providing general mass paratransit services on January 2, 2001, benefits from these funds.

The TDP calls for a description of the transit agency’s vision for public transportation, along with an assessment of transit needs in the study area and a staged implementation program to set priorities for improvements. It is also a policy document that integrates transit goals and objectives with those of other adopted plans, including the MPO’s Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP).

Benesch prepared the Charlotte County 2025-2034 TDP for Charlotte County Transit. Data analysis, stakeholder interviews, and public outreach (including two rounds of workshops and surveys of both current transit riders and citizens) were performed. Both a needs component and a cost efficient component were developed.  The TDP was approved by the Charlotte County Commissioners on July 23, 2024 and has been submitted to FDOT for final approval. For more information regarding TDP, please visit Charlotte County Transit Webpage.